If you like mud, this will be one of your favorite dives. It's on the West side of Saanich Inlet between the Mill Bay ferry terminal and Mill Bay. The road runs right next to the water and on a chart, it looks like you can get deep (over 150 feet ) quick. It turned out the chart was misleading again. I tried this spot at the end of December, 2005. In the shallows around the point there were lots of small, grey, orange and white plumose anemones, red rock crabs, and clusters of purple seastars. I swam out to try to reach the dramatic, deep rocky areas that the chart seemed to promise. I swam out for about 20 minutes, but all I saw was a gentle slope of silt. There were some small sea pens and normal-sized plumose anemones in the mud. Lots of bottles were scattered around. One had a tiny octopus peeking out of it. I eventually made it to 85 feet deep before giving up and swimming back. Visibility was less than 10 feet during the entire dive. This was the only dive I've ever done (except for the pool in my Open Water course) where I didn't see a single fish, not even a tide pool sculpin. It was very strange. I was reduced to "self portraits with sea stars" photography. If you ever look at the chart and think this place looks interesting, don't bother.