These pictures are from Aug. 3, 2010. Visibility was 4-6 feet near shore (sometimes I couldn't see my fins) and 10 feet on the deeper reefs. Below 60 feet deep, it was too dark to see much without a light. All I could see were the dim shapes of the white plumose anemones. When I got back to the boat ramp at Cattle Point, I spent about an hour watching a grey whale cruising around Baynes Channel.
quillback rockfish on reef
looking at quillback rockfish on reef
over reef
next to wall
yellow sponge and plumose anemones
quillback rockfish
behind reef
urchins a bit shallower
boat anchored in small bay
small bay on Strongtide Is.
anchored boat
on Strongtide
whale blowing outside Cadboro Bay
grey whale behind whale-watching boat with Cadboro Point in background
whale and boat with Chatham Islands in background
whale behind Cattle Point boat ramp marker
whale-watching boat
whale behind Cattle Point boat ramp marker
grey whale on left
whale blowing in Baynes Channel
grey whale in Baynes Channel
whale with Chatham Islands in background
whale-watching boat with Strongtide Island in background
whale passing Cattle Point
whale passing Cattle Point
whale in Oak Bay