Today (Sept. 18, 2011) Possession Point had the best visibility I've ever seen in the Strait of Juan de Fuca. I snorkeled out to the underwater canyon between the shore and the islet and I could see the bottom of the channel 45 feet below me as clearly as if there was no water in the way. I'd say visibility was at least 60 feet. During the snorkel I saw a rock greenling in the surfgrass. Usually, they dart away, but this one humoured my long-time ambition of a proper rock greenling photo. I spent most of the dive in the canyon. The current was reasonably strong. It kept blowing over my camera tripod as I tried to take my usual self-portraits. A few kayakers were fishing above me. On my return swim, I noticed that one of them caught a lingcod. I don't know if they managed to land it since both a seal and a Steller's sealion were hanging around looking hungry. I only saw them in the distance (or from the surface), so I didn't get any photos.