SUMMARY: A nice sheer, deep wall. LOCATION: In Sansum Narrows, North-West of Victoria. The dive is just south of the Octopus Point marker at the base of some cliffs. WHAT TO SEE: Although not really in the Victoria area, it is often visited by local divers. There is a wall that starts up above the waterline and plunges to a couple hundred feet. There are a few tiny ledges here and there. There are deep cracks and some overhangs. The wall is covered with plumose anemones, ascidians and cup corals. When I went in May, there were hundreds of tiny nudibranchs in the shallows. CONDITIONS: When I was here (May), visibility was terrible. Only about 6 feet. When I went deep, it cleared up to a whopping 10 feet, but was still very dark. If you want to have a full appreciation for this site, it would be best to go in fall or winter when you can actually see that you're on a wall. This area is affected by river runoff and plankton blooms in late spring and early summer. Sansum Narrows can get quite a bit of current so this is a "slack" dive. I dove here a full hour after slack and didn't feel a thing, but it's best to be safe.
I came back here in mid-November, 2005. I was hoping for better visibility than last time, but it was only around 10-15 feet. The water seemed to be almost milky with lots of fresh water mixed in. At 70-80 feet deep, the wall was covered with plumose anemones. Shallower, the wall seemed bare, but if you looked close, there was lots of little stuff (cup corals, cemented tube worms, tunicate colonies, zoanthids, little white barnacles, crabs, shrimp, etc..). We dove about half an hour before slack and didn't feel any current.