These are 2 small islets Near the North-East corner of Frazer Island in Becher Bay. I've already been diving at the South-East and South-West Islets so these are the last ones to do. The marine chart shows a steep drop to somewhere between 35 and 60 feet deep on the East side of the islets. I took my boat out from Cheanuh Marina on April 4, 2015. I chose this spot since it was a bad day for current so I didn't want to leave the protection of Becher Bay. I anchored next to the Southern-most islet and swam down on the East side. There was a wall dropping from near the surface down to about 50' deep. Visibility was about 15'. The rocks were a bit silty and there wasn't much living on the wall except for some urchins and a few fish-eating anemones. I saw some small patches of zoanthids and a couple of copper/quillback/Puget Sound rockfish hiding in cracks in the wall. A pair of Puget Sound king crabs sat at the base of the wall. I also noticed a variety of hermit crabs nearby. As I swam South along the wall, it ended and there was a less-steep rocky area made up of flat/stepped rock reefs and boulders at the Southern end of the islet. This area went down to about 40' deep. There was a bit more invertebrate life here, including more fish-eating anemones and burrowing cucumbers. There were even more fish-eating anemones in the shallow (10' deep) channel between the islet and Frazer Island.
I had a decent time here, but I think most other spots nearby around Becher Bay have more marine life so I don't know if I'll be back again.