I haven't been here in years so I came back on Sept. 25, 2014. I used to use the Current Atlas as a current reference when I used to dive here. That was obviously a bad idea so this time I used the Baynes Channel current correction (also used for diving nearby 10-Mile Point). I didn't feel much current this time. The shallow (15' deep) kelp-covered area near shore seemed much larger than I remember. I kept surfacing to see if I was still heading away from shore. Eventually I reached the rocky, urchin-covered slope that went down to about 50-60' deep. Visibility was only 10-15'. I visited the small canyon (about 40' deep) that had the plumose anemones. There were less tunicate colonies than I remember here. I went farther North along the slope than I used to go with my 80 cubic-foot tank. There was a sloping wall with lots of giant barnacles and a rubble area at the base of the slope with orange burrowing cucumbers.