I came back on July 1, 2014 to have a proper look at the gorgonian corals I saw in one of my photos taken during the previous dive. Visibility was still about 10' in the shallows, but it suddenly cleared at 30' deep. Like last time, I could see about 80'. It seemed brighter than last time and I noticed that the bottom of the main wall at 110' deep was just a ledge and the wall sloped down farther to what I assume was the bottom of the channel 150' deep. I saw the gorgonian corals at 110' deep near the power cable. The larger ones were about the size of a hand with the fingers stretched out. I swam farther along the wall at this depth than I did last time. There was a rounded reef at the base of the wall dropping into the channel with more cloud sponges. I saw 2 more gorgonians out here. With my 119 cubic-foot tank, I had a limited time out here and I'm sure there must be  more corals out deeper. My maximum depth was 120'. Down here on the wall I didn't feel much current. As I ascended to the top of the wall 40' deep, I felt like I was swimming upstream in a river. Next time I'll take the tide table into account.
at the outside edge of the small bay
blackeye goby
small cloud sponges on the wall
hermit crab with a nudibranch on it's back
small cloud sponges on the wall
boot sponge and crimson anemones
boot sponges and crimson anemones
looking down the slope from 100 feet deep
longfin sculpin
power cable
anemones on the power cable
rockfish above the power cable
anemones on the wall
anemones on the wall
anemones on the power cable
rockfish and anemones
anemones and rockfish and small cloud sponge 110' deep
small cloud sponges on the wall
yelloweye rockfish
tiger rockfish
feather stars, cloud sponge and quillback rockfish
yelloweye rockfish
yelloweye rockfish
plumose anemones
plumose anemones
looking up the wall
looking up the wall
cloud and boot sponge with a quillback rockfish
kelp greenling, yelloweye rockfish and quillback rockfish 110' deep
another gorgonian coral
crimson anemone and cloud sponge 115' deep
cloud sponge
cloud sponge
crimson anemone at the top of the wall
young Puget Sound king crab
giant nudibranch at the top of the wall
quillback rockfish at the top of the wall
blackeye goby on a cucumber
herring at the top of the wall
herring at the top of the wall
herring at the top edge of the wall
looking down at the power cable 35' deep
giant nudibranch in the bay
giant nudibranchs in the bay
giant nudibranch
blackeye goby
sculpin 3' deep