These photos are from Feb. 27, 2011.  Visibility was a darker-than-usual 15-20 feet. There was an outfall pipe near shore spewing out the runoff from the storm drains. I had a close look again at the bottle field at the end on the dock. I still didn't see any creatures living in the bottles. I found the big anchor again at the end of the reef (about 60 feet deep). A semi-buoyant rope was attached to the chain.
outfall pipe
moon snail near dock
sunflower stars and plumose anemones on dock pilings
under dock
under dock
under dock
under dock
under dock
plumose anemones on reef
plumose anemones near reef
seastar and plumose anemones at top of small wall
small copper rockfish on side of reef
sunflower star on small wall
plumose anemones at top of small wall
small copper rockfish on reef
sunflower star and closed-up plumose anemone on sand
orange plumose anemones at tip of reef
rope weighted down by chain near anchor
chain and anchor
looking down on anchor
side of anchor
anemones and tube worms on anchor rope
over anchor
plumose anemone on reef
anemones on reef
guide rope leading from reef to North side of dock
plumose anemones on sand
back under dock
under dock
nudibranch under dock
nudibranch under dock
under part of dock near shore
outfall pipe
outfall pipe
outfall pipe
outfall pipe