These photos are from Sept. 21, 2012. I dove here the day before (with a video camera) and the visibility was probably the best I've ever seen in over 15 years of diving. All I can guess is that it was over 100 feet. I could see the ripples from the sunlight on the rocks 110 feet deep. I came back the next day with my still camera. Visibility wasn't quite as good as the day before (there was a large school group of young divers that had stirred things up a bit), but it was still some of the clearest water I've ever seen. For most of these photos I didn't use a strobe (which is only effective a few feet away anyway), but I tinkered with the white-balance settings in the software afterwards. The photos may look a bit blue and artificial, but I guess this is what Henderson Point would look like without any water in the way.