These photos are from Sept. 21, 2012. I dove here the day before (with a video camera) and the visibility was probably the best I've ever seen in over 15 years of diving. All I can guess is that it was over 100 feet. I could see the ripples from the sunlight on the rocks 110 feet deep. I came back the next day with my still camera. Visibility wasn't quite as good as the day before (there was a large school group of young divers that had stirred things up a bit), but  it was still some of the clearest water I've ever seen. For most of these photos I didn't use a strobe (which is only effective a few feet away anyway), but I tinkered with the white-balance settings in the software afterwards. The photos may look a bit blue and artificial, but I guess this  is what Henderson Point would look like without any water in the way.
near the surface
perch under the dock
under the dock
perch under the dock
over a reef
stitched-together panorama
-A bunch of photos of the sailboat hull:
 school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
school group divers
gap between reefs
reef and rubble slope
sandy gap between reefs
next to a reef
orange plumose anemones
lion's mane
under the dock again
under the dock
perch under the dock
next to a school of perch
near the surface
near the surface
in the small bay
the small bay