Glencoe Cove is in the Gordon Head area. There's a waterfront park at the end of Shore Way with room for 2 cars to park (and one handicapped spot). A short trail leads to a set of wooden stairs which brings you down to a sandy beach (Glencoe Cove). Looking out from the beach there is a set of cliffs on the right and a rocky point sticking out on the left. Both the cliffs and the point slope down underwater to about 30 feet deep according to the chart. Swimming around the point is a shorter swim than going to the cliffs, so I went for the point on March 10, 2008. I swam out on the surface to the point. The bottom in the cove is flat, sandy and around 10-20 feet deep. Once at the point, I descended and swam along the outer shore. There was a sloping rocky reef covered with silt and red seaweed. Other than the occasional alabaster nudibranch, seastar and anemone, there wasn't much life to see. This reef met the sand at around 30 feet deep. There were isolated boulders and small rocky areas farther out on the sandy plain, but I didn't swim too far out. At the base of the reefs there was a "wreck" of a small, plastic(?) dinghy next to the bow of another small aluminum boat. Maybe they were two parts from the same boat. There was a noticeable current even though I was diving at the current atlas "slack". The atlas shows that 1-2 knot currents are common off this point, but you wouldn't know it from the marine life. There was the occasional clump of yellow sponge on vertical surfaces or under small overhangs, but mostly there was that silt and red seaweed. Even the seaweed had a light coating of silt. Near the surface it was pretty murky in places from the light surge stirring up the crud. Otherwise, visibility was around 15-20 feet. I only saw 2 fish on the entire dive (a small copper rockfish and a perch hiding together in a crack under a boulder). This park is pretty scenic on the surface, but I don't think I'll bother diving here again.