I dove at Funnel Cove once about 10 years ago (2007) looking for the 1885 wreck of the paddle-wheel steamer Enterprise. I found some small bits of wreckage, but not from the Enterprise, which I now think was beached in Cadboro Bay. I had mostly forgotten about this dive over the years, but I was recently curious about that wreckage and wanted to see it again. I finally dove here again on Oct. 16, 2016.
I swam on the surface to the outside of the exposed rocks at the entrance to the cove. I descended and swam North along where the rocky slope met the sand (only about 15-20' deep).
Along the way, I saw a couple of large-ish iron objects half-buried in the sand. I don't think they were part of the wreckage I was heading for since they were pretty far away from it. Maybe they were the remains of something heavy that was used as a mooring.
I continued swimming along the 15-20' base of the rocky area. There wasn't much obvious marine life, but there were some small colourful sponges and lots of shrimp. Visibility by the way, was about 20'.

I reached the area near a larger island to the North of Funnel Cove. There was a rocky reef that went up to about 10' deep and sloped down to 20' deep. On the seaward side of this reef (near a large boulder cracked off the main reef) there were the scattered remains of a wreck that I saw last time I dove here. There were a few long copper pipes, small copper fittings/valves, some chunks of iron things, etc. Mosshead warbonnets and a gunnel were looking out of the ends of the pipes. The sand at the base of the reef had more iron things mostly buried under the sand. I saw a few heavily-corroded things that looked like electric motors (one had a wire coming out of it). In a crack heading up the reef, there was another concentration of metal remains. In my report on my website from last time I dove here, I said I saw a chain with 4" links. I didn't see it this time.

I swam around this area for about an hour, exploring the rocky reefs and swimming out over the sandy bottom. I didn't see any larger wreckage. My guess is that this was all from a small cabin-cruiser-type boat. I headed back towards Funnel Cove.