These photos are from Nov. 12, 2011. When I was testing my home-made strobe in the parking area, I realised that a wire had broken off inside. I didn't have a soldering iron in my car and I didn't want to drive all the way back home so I did the dive without a strobe and took some grainy, high-ISO, slow shutter-speed, natural-light, tripod-steadied photos on the crumbling barge. Visibility was a dark 20-30 feet with lots of stringy, white bits floating around.
mooring chain near the Setchel Point entry-point
The remains of another small wreck before the barge
first view of the corner of the bow of the barge
side view of the metal bow
over the metal bow
at the bow with the railroad tracks where the railcars used to go
in front of the bow
over the square metal bow
school of perch at the bow
corner of the bow
side view of what's left of the wreck
small reef next to the barge
side of the middle of the barge
small speedboat next to a reef above the barge
small speedboat
small speedboat
metal tank near the stern of the barge
metal tank
metal tank
wreckage near the stern of the barge
wreckage at the stern
wreckage at the stern
wreckage near the stern
the middle area of the collapsed barge
school of perch in the middle of the photo
back at the railroad tracks at the bow
at the bow
bollards at the bow
mooring block near the Setchel Point entry point
back at Setchel Point
back where I started