I had heard from one of my few dive buddies Al, about a local dive instructor who recently stumbled across a second barge wreck in Deep Cove. The story was that it was about 200 feet farther out into the cove past the well-known barge. I had to try and find it  so I ignored the snowy road conditions and drove up on Dec. 21, 2008. The road to my usual entry point (at Setchell Point) was blocked  by deep snow so I entered at the marina for once. From what I hear, they charge a few dollars for divers to enter here, but the office was closed and no one was around so I just walked into the water and swam out to the end of the docks. Visibility was about 30 feet. I swam down past the rocky reefs to the regular barge. Usually the wreck is swarming with a variety of fish, but this time I only saw the school of perch. No rockfish. No lingcod. No painted greenlings, etc. The whole place seemed rather lifeless. I didn't spend much time here. I just took a few pictures and then headed out further into the bay. I followed my compass West and a bit North. I swam out for quite a way, but all I found was mud. I also saw a few bottles and a rubber boot. I made it to 65 feet deep before swimming North for a bit and then heading back along a parallel route back to shore. I only saw more mud and then some rocky reefs with a few seastars about 30-50 feet deep. So no ghost barge on this dive. There's lots of room in this bay though.
jellyfish near entry point
nudibranchs and metal rail on barge
on barge wreck
on barge wreck
sunflower star near rocky reef
barnacles on bow of boat at marina
nudibranchs on rail again
sunflower star on barge
under boat at marina
junk under marina
under dock
under dock
seastars and anemones under dock
seastars and anemones under dock
jellyfish under dock
bits of ice in shallows
swimming under bits of ice
looking down to entry spot
shore near marina
looking back to shore
looking towards Setchell Point
seagull on dock