Over the last decade or so when I've been diving at the breakwater, I've always gone out to the end. I find that there is the most marine life out there. Lately in my old age, I've been renting one of the carts from the dive shop to transport my gear out to the end instead of carrying it all on my back. The carts have unfortunately been stolen this year so my last few dives have been around the middle of the breakwater (shorter walk). On these dives I came across 2 young bocaccio rockfish. These, and a brown rockfish I saw bring the total # of species of rockfish I've seen at the breakwater to 14. One of the drawbacks of trying to take photos around this middle section of the breakwater is that with the lower current, the rocks are covered with a grey silt (from diatoms). Every time a lingcod or swimming scallop swims away it raises a puff of silt that drifts around in front of my camera. These photos are from 2 dives in early July, 2016: