Visibility was around 20 feet at the end of the breakwater today (March 2, 2009). Even 80 feet deep, it was nice and bright.
fish-eating anemone on shallow blocks
puget sound king crab
nudibranchs laying eggs
plumose anemones at end of breakwater
anemones and seastar
anemone and urchins
puget sound king crab, etc
anemones at end of breakwater
copper rockfish
stuff on boulders
black rockfish
panorama of plumose anemones
plumose panorama
plumose panorama
        And more from March 5, 2009. Visibility was a bit less (15 feet), probably from the wind the night before. There were several lingcod on eggs and around 10 vermilion rockfish (one missing part of it's tail).
sponge and plumose anemones
lingcod and eggs
giand barnacles on boulder
fish-eating anemone
fish-eating anemone
lingcod and anemones
copper and vermilion rockfish
vermilion rockfish and swimming scallops
vermilion rockfish hiding behind nudibranch
tailless vermilion rockfish
tailless vermilion rockfish
vermilion rockfish at base of breakwater
another vermilion
anemone, urchins and rockfish
kelp greenling under boulder
fish-eating anemone
nudibranchs on side of boulder
sponge and anemones
lingcod in shallows
lingcod in shallows