This was a shore dive off the hotel we stayed at during our first week in Curacao. Even though the hotel is called "Scuba Lodge", there doesn't seem to be anything scuba-related with it. There is a dive shop a few doors down (where I rented my gear before being angrily banned for solo diving), but as far as I could tell, I was the only diver staying here. I don't think there is public shore access to this site, but non-hotel guests can access it by booking a guided dive through the nearby dive shop, which shares the nearby waterfront. This part of Curacao is exposed to waves blowing along the coastline. When we were there, there were seemingly-permanent 15-20 knot winds creating a 3-6' waves. Most of the big resorts in the area have constructed big rubble breakwaters to create sheltered swimming beaches. Scuba Lodge has a small breakwater creating a sheltered area to get in the water. The water near shore is pretty stirred-up from these waves, but as soon as you swim out a bit, the water clears. I did 2 early-morning scuba dives here.
I don't remember the exact depth, but at about 40' deep, the bottom dropped off in a steeper slope. It wasn't exactly a wall, but about a 45-degree slope. I went down to about 95' deep on my first dive and 85' deep on my second. The chart shows this slope going down to around 200' deep. I saw some barracuda and some tarpon down here. The tarpon were hanging around the end of some kind of outfall pipe that was discharging a murky cloud. I don't know if it was sewage or rain runoff, but the swarms of fish seemed to like it.