These photos are from a dive on June 29, 2024. Visibility was about 15' in the shallows and 50-80' down on the wall. I tried to make stitched-together panoramas from multiple photos taken at various places on the wall, but the results look weird. I think to make them look more normal, you'd have to blow them up to 50' wide and then look at them from a few feet away.
The part of the wall that I reach first during my swim out from shore seems pretty bare. When the visibility is good though, it is an impressive structure. The base of the wall here is also shallower than farther along the wall. I've never been down to the bottom of this part of the wall, but looking down, it seems about 100' deep. As I swim farther along the wall there are lots of crimson anemones, some of them with candy-stripe shrimp. From here, I look into the distance and see the wall covered with white plumose anemones. This is the best part of the wall in my opinion. It seems like it sticks out a bit like a corner and probably is exposed to more current. There are small pink branching hydrocorals, boot sponges, small yellow branching sponges and cloud sponges around 110-120' deep. On a bright day with good visibility, this part of the wall is probably one of my favorite shore dives in B.C.