This is a popular, near-town Kona shore dive site. It's known for its underwater lava tube/tunnel/cavern. It's just South of the busy Magic Sands (sometimes called "Disappearing Sands") Beach. I came here for an early-morning dive. I arrived a bit too early since it was still dark. I waited around for the sun to come up and entered the water at the North end of the rocky cove, where there seemed to be less small boulders to trip over.
I swam out around the left-hand point (South) towards where the cavern was supposed to be. The coral slope ended in sand about 30-35' deep.
I reached the cavern. It was at the end of a sandy-bottomed canyon. The cavern was a fairly long lava tube tunnel, lit by a couple of holes in the ceiling. At the end of the main cavern, a smaller tunnel branched off leading to a dead end.
After leaving the cavern, I continued to follow the base of the reef South around the point.
Eventually I reached an area where the reef dropped down in a small wall to about 50' deep. The current was pretty strong here and I would have to swim against it to get back so I turned around and headed back to my entry-point.