After doing a dive on a rocky reef a bit South of the entry point at the end of Inlet Drive, I wanted to do a second dive to try and find some more rocky reefs visible on the sidescan image a bit to the North. These were deeper than the South reef. According to the marine chart, they were probably around 100-150' deep so I was hoping to at least have a quick visit to the shallower edge of them. This was on Nov. 12, 2021. Like on my previous dive, visibility was around 20' in the shallows and 40-50' deeper down. I estimated a compass heading and started swimming down the slope.

I swam at a depth of 90-100' while hovering about 10' over the bottom. I swam for much longer than expected without seeing any rocky areas. I must have made it over halfway to the ferry terminal before realizing I must have missed the reefs since the sidescan image shows them much closer to the entry point. I was too full of nitrogen to stay at these depths so I turned around and started swimming back gradually going shallower.

When I reached a depth of 45', I saw some rocky reefs in the distance. They were too close to shore to be obvious in the sidescan image, but I circled in the image below where I'm pretty sure they are located. This would mean that the deeper reefs I was originally looking for would be straight down the slope from these shallow reefs. I didn't have the air to go deep looking for them so I explored the shallow reefs instead. I didn't notice any fish except for a few gobies and a white-spotted greenling. Mostly, there were just lots of orange plumose anemones. The rocks met the sand at about 45' deep. I'm not sure how shallow they go since I stayed around the base.
I don't know if I'll come back to try and find the deeper reefs. Judging by the area, they'd probably be pretty lifeless, but then again, maybe they're covered with a previously-unknown garden of cloud sponges and full of wolf eel dens.