I dove this spot a few years ago last time I was in Guam. It's on the navy base in Apra Harbour so it's only accessible to people with access to the base. I came back on Mar. 4, 2019. It's pretty much the same as I remembered it. There was a steep slope, then a wide ledge, then another steep slope and finally the upside-down WW2 plane at 100' deep. For me, it's also memorable for the large, purple elephant ear sponges. The following underwater photos are stills taken from the video I took.
The seaplane lies upside-down on the silty sand 100' deep. The tail section with its rear cockpit is facing backwards and resting on top of the upside-down plane. Someone must have placed it that way. The forward part of the fuselage with the forward cockpit is missing, as is part of the engine and propeller.
Like last time, I found this to be an interesting, easy dive. It's in the protected harbour and there's no big shallow area to wade across like most other sites on Guam.