I had heard reports of good (40') visibility on the G.B. Church so I took my boat out a few days later (Oct. 21, 2009). Unfortunately, visibility was 20' at the most (I guess that's still not too bad for this area). There was lots of plankton "gunk" floating around. The wood bridge/wheelhouse is collapsing. One of the walls seems to be held up with ropes or steel cables. You can't go in safely anymore which is too bad since that used to be one of my favorite parts of this dive. I was hoping to take a bunch of natural-light photos to stitch together as panoramas, but the visibility didn't seem up to it. Hopefully all this doesn't seem to negative. It was still a fun little dive.
attempt at panorama looking up at wheelhouse
natural-light ladder
natural-light ladder to wheelhouse
ladder on other side of wheelhouse
below wheelhouse
copper rockfish on mast
ladder with flash
other ladder with flash
looking up from under bow
quillback rockfish on anchor
quillback rockfish on anchor
winch on bow
quillback rockfish and nudibranch on superstructure
winch/capstain on bow
cabezon at top of ladder
quillback rockfish
quillback rockfish
looking out of door
quillback rockfish
quillback rockfish
copper rockfish near rudder
copper rockfish near rudder
quillback rockfish on rudder
anemones inside room under wheelhouse
looking out of window
next to rudder
copper rockfish on rudder
quillback rockfish on side of hull
anemones on ceiling
looking out of door
quillback rockfish next to rail
anemones on guardrails
anemones on side of hull
looking up under stern
electric winch
lingcod on deck
anemones and feather duster worm
cables holding up wall of wheelhouse
inside wheelhouse with cables holding up wall
inside wheelhouse
next to top of ladder
quillback rockfish
where aft mast was ripped away
quillback rockfish and hatch
quillback rockfish
quillback rockfish
looking up near bow
sunflower star under mast
lingcod on beam over hold
lingcod on beam over hold
on side of bow
seastar on hull
bollards on bow
sunflower star on bollard
looking up mast
boat on surface
ascending to boat