I came back to Clark Bay on Sept. 10, 2022. I wanted to have another look at the wall and check its orientation to shore with my compass. It was a big current day so I made sure to dive on slack.
        Visibility overall was worse than last time. There had been a windstorm a day or two ago which stirred-up the coastline. Visibility in the shallows was about 10'. It slowly improved as I went deeper. Out at the wall I could see about 40', which is around 1/2 of the visibility from last time. I checked my compass and the wall ran more-or-less towards the North-West. This confirms my guess of where the wall was in the sidescan image. I was hoping to explore farther along the wall than on my previous dives, but the depth and the distance from shore made me turn around at about the same place as last time. My maximum depth was 111' and like last time, the wall continued to drop down for at least 20' below me.
        Like before, I swam back along the top of the wall 60-80' deep.
        I left the wall and swam back up the slope towards shore.
        I still think this a great Gabriola dive. The problem with it is that the depth and the distance from shore prevent me from exploring as far as I'd like along the wall.
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