These photos are from May 29, 2022. Visibility was only about 8' in the shallows and maybe 15' below 45' deep. There were lots of plankton chunks at all depths. I had a quick look at all 4 drydocks and the boom boat.
When I first dove here in 2014, There was a field of big sea pens between the drydocks and the boom boat. Then they were gone for the next several years. Now they seem to be coming back. There were quite a few small ones (2 or 3 inches high) in this area today.
I swam back up slope from one of the drydocks. Usually this leads me to the shallow gravel ridge (covered with plumose anemones) that I follow back to shore. Today, I ended up at some rocky reefs that looked suspiciously like the rocky reef out at Hospital Rock. I surfaced and found myself out near the Hospital Rock red marker buoy.